โœ’๏ธCharacter Creation Comprehensive Guide

Comprehensive Guide to Character Creation

Creating a compelling character on AI chat platforms requires understanding a few key principles to achieve the desired results. This guide compiles tips shared by various users to help you build a rich and engaging character.

1. Write Clear and Concise Descriptions

Use Clear and Concise Sentences

AI responds better to clear and concise sentences than long, complicated ones. Avoid unnecessary embellishments and focus on delivering the core information. Short, direct explanations will better guide the AI in responding.

  • Example (Incorrect): "This character shines like the most beautiful flower in the world, drawing everyone's attention."

  • Example (Correct): "Beautiful and attractive. People notice them."

Summarizing key traits instead of going into lengthy descriptions is essential for clearer responses from the AI.

2. Setting the Tone and Habits

Provide Speech Examples

To implement a unique way of speaking, it's essential to give concrete examples of how the character speaks. AI understands tone better when you provide clear examples rather than abstract descriptions.

  • Example:

    • "The character speaks informally and uses a direct, blunt tone."

    • Example dialogue: "What? If you have nothing to say, get lost."

You can also set distinct ways of speaking depending on the situation or the person the character is interacting with.

  • Example:

    • "The character uses formal language when talking to their parents but speaks casually with friends."

    • "The character addresses their boss with respect but still speaks tersely."

Define Behavioral Habits

Use conditional actions to define specific behaviors or speech patterns that occur under certain circumstances. For instance, how the character behaves depending on their emotional state.

  • Example:

    • "When angry, {{Char}} becomes quiet and responds with short answers."

    • "When frustrated, {{Char}} clenches their fists and grits their teeth."

This method allows the character to react more naturally in various situations.

3. Defining Personality and Emotions

Express Personality Through Keywords

To help AI reflect the character's personality in conversations and actions, summarize the characterโ€™s personality with key traits. This will ensure that AI responses stay true to the character's nature.

  • Example:

    • "{{Char}} is confident and arrogant, believing they are always right."

    • "They tend to dismiss people who oppose them."

Set Emotional Responses

To make the character more dynamic, define how they express emotions in specific situations. This will help the AI respond to emotional stimuli in a realistic and engaging way.

  • Example:

    • "When {{Char}} is happy, they laugh loudly and talk openly with others."

    • "When sad, their voice lowers, and they avoid eye contact."

    • "When surprised, they instinctively step back and clutch their chest."

This adds emotional depth and consistency to the character's interactions.

Making Characters Hard to Approach

If you want a character that's difficult to approach, add emotional barriers or relational challenges. Specify what makes the character emotionally unavailable or hard to win over.

  • Example:

    • "{{Char}} was deeply betrayed in the past and now finds it difficult to trust others."

    • "{{Char}} avoids deep relationships and will only open up when someone proves their sincerity."

This can create challenges for users trying to win the character's trust, making the interactions more compelling.

4. Building Backstory and World

Setting the Characterโ€™s Backstory and World

Providing context about the character's world and their backstory enriches the character and gives depth to their personality. Clearly defining these aspects helps the AI understand how the character would act based on their past.

  • Example:

    • "{{Char}} lost their parents in a war as a child, forcing them to survive on their own. This experience made them tough but emotionally distant."

    • "At age 8, they became an orphan due to war. At age 15, they started learning swordsmanship, and by age 30, they became a renowned swordsman."

Add Key Events and Trauma

If the character has experienced traumatic events or significant moments, include these details to add emotional complexity to their responses.

  • Example:

    • "They lost their daughter during the corporate war, which still haunts them."

    • "They were wounded during military service, and the lingering injury has left them with an emotional and physical scar."

Such backstory details help the AI create a richer emotional narrative for the character.

5. Relationships and Titles

Defining the Relationship With the Player

Clarifying how the character interacts with the player is crucial to making conversations feel natural and consistent. Define the relationship dynamic and the way the character addresses the player.

  • Example:

    • "{{Char}} refers to the player as 'junior,' respecting them but also teasing occasionally."

    • "The player and {{Char}} are boss and subordinate, but they share a close relationship outside of work."

Defining Relationships With Other Characters

To enhance the story, create relationships between the character and others that influence their behavior or conversations.

  • Example:

    • "{{Char}} deeply trusts their fellow character 'Karina,' and makes risky decisions for her."

    • "{{Char}} and their rival 'Boris' often argue, but there is mutual respect."

These relationship details help the AI generate more dynamic and meaningful interactions between characters.

6. Using Conditional (IF) Statements for Detailed Behavior

Conditional Actions

To create more realistic behavior, use conditional (IF) statements that trigger certain actions or speech depending on specific scenarios.

  • Example:

    • "If {{Char}} is hungry, they constantly search for food and get irritated."

    • "If {{Char}} is nervous, they tap their foot and avoid making eye contact."

Split Personalities

If you want to create a character with split personalities, define different personalities that emerge under specific conditions using IF statements. For each personality, specify distinct traits and ways of speaking.

  • Example:

    • "If {{Char}} is under extreme stress, their normally calm and composed personality is replaced by a more violent and impulsive one."

    • "If itโ€™s nighttime, {{Char}}'s personality shifts, becoming more aggressive and hostile."

By using IF statements to set multiple personalities, you can make interactions with the character more unpredictable and layered.

7. Dialogue Format and Special Situations

Text Messages and Special Dialogue Formats

Use action cues to create special dialogue formats like text messaging or phone conversations. Action cues can be marked with * or ( ) to specify the context for these dialogues.

  • Example:

    • Text Message: "*{{Char}} sends a text message: 'How about dinner tonight?'"

    • Phone Call: "(On the phone) {{Char}}: 'Where are you right now?'"

    • Video Call: "*{{Char}} starts a video call, smiling at the camera. 'It's nice to see your face again.'"

This allows for varied types of interaction and enhances immersion.

Implementing Dream Sequences

To create dream-like scenarios, specify whether the character knows theyโ€™re dreaming or not. Dream sequences can add surrealism and excitement to the dialogue.

  • Example:

    • Aware itโ€™s a dream: "(Realizing it's a dream) {{Char}} notices the surroundings becoming blurry and realizes they're dreaming."

    • Unaware itโ€™s a dream: "({{Char}} is in a dream but doesnโ€™t know it.) They continue talking to the player as if it were real."

Dream sequences can provide an opportunity to explore different facets of the character's emotions or subconscious thoughts.

8. Managing Memory and Repetitive Behavior

Preventing Repetitive Dialogue

Itโ€™s important to ensure that the character does not repeat the same responses during interactions. Setting conditions for varied answers helps avoid monotony.

  • Example:

    • "The character provides different responses to the same question and avoids repeating the same expressions."

    • "If asked a repeated question, the AI tries a new answer or uses humor."

This setting encourages the AI to generate varied dialogue, making interactions more engaging.

Improving Memory Retention

You can enhance the characterโ€™s memory by summarizing important information or previous conversations for the AI to remember. This allows the character to refer back to previous interactions and maintain a more natural conversational flow.

  • Example:

    • "{{Char}} remembers key details from past conversations and incorporates them into future responses."

    • "If the player asks about something mentioned before, {{Char}} recalls the past discussion and responds accordingly."

Memory retention improves the consistency of interactions and adds depth to character conversations.

9. Conversation Tips and Response Triggers

Using Clear Prompts

To elicit the desired responses, itโ€™s important to use clear prompts. Vague instructions can lead to ambiguous answers, while specific prompts guide the AI towards precise responses.

  • Example:

    • "The AI character describes the gift in detail and explains why they chose it."

    • "The AI character describes the atmosphere of the current location."

Emphasizing Key Words

You can highlight certain words or phrases by using asterisks. This helps the AI focus on specific information or topics.

  • Example:

    • "Is it day or *night* right now?"

    • "Is the garden on the left or the *right*?"

This technique helps emphasize key points in the conversation, making the AI more responsive to important details.

Introducing Third-Party Characters

If you want to introduce a third-party character into the conversation, use action cues to specify their appearance and interaction. This helps AI recognize the involvement of other characters in the scene and respond accordingly.

  • Example:

    • "({{Char}}'s friend enters the room.) 'Hello, nice to meet you,' they say."

    • "(The boss suddenly appears.) 'What are you doing here?'"

This technique allows the AI to handle conversations involving multiple characters, making the interactions more dynamic and engaging.

10. Testing and Refining

Correcting Incorrect Responses

If the AI character does not respond in the way you intended, you must immediately correct and refine the prompt to guide the AI towards the desired behavior. Tweaking the dialogue or behavior settings helps the AI learn how to respond properly in future interactions.

  • Example:

    • Incorrect Response: "Sure thing, boss!"

    • Correction: "The character should respond more professionally, like: 'Yes, I'll get that done immediately.'"

By correcting errors in responses, you ensure the AI aligns more closely with the intended character's personality.

Optimizing Prompts

When the AIโ€™s responses do not match your expectations, optimize the prompts by setting clear priorities. If multiple traits conflict, specifying which traits take precedence helps the AI determine the correct response.

  • Example:

    • "The most important trait is the character's calm demeanor, which overrides other emotions."

    • "In cases where personality traits clash, the AI should prioritize {{Char}}'s rationality over emotional reactions."

This approach ensures that the AI consistently reflects the primary aspects of the character's personality.

11. Tips for Saving Input Tokens

Writing Settings in English

Since English uses fewer tokens than other languages like Korean, consider writing your settings in English to save space. This allows you to include more detailed information within the same token limit.

  • Example:

    • Korean setting: "{{Char}}๋Š” ํ™”๊ฐ€ ๋‚˜๋ฉด ์ฃผ๋จน์„ ๊ฝ‰ ์ฅ”๋‹ค."

    • English setting: "{{Char}} clenches their fist when angry."

Be Clear with English Usage

  • Note: When writing in English, make sure that your sentences are clear and grammatically correct so that the AI can interpret them properly. Double-check that the translated settings retain the original meaning.

12. Fostering Creativity and Uniqueness

Creating Original Characters

Rather than following trends, focus on creating unique and original characters that reflect your creative vision. Combining unlikely traits can result in intriguing and memorable personalities.

  • Example:

    • "A merciless assassin who enjoys baking in their free time."

    • "A cold-hearted warrior who becomes soft-hearted around children."

Assigning Meaningful Traits

Give the characterโ€™s appearance or habits a deeper meaning by tying them to their backstory or personality. This adds significance to their actions and makes them feel more authentic.

  • Example:

    • "The characterโ€™s tattoo represents a vow they made to their fallen comrades."

    • "The necklace they wear is a memento from their long-lost love."

These traits give the character depth and allow for more emotionally resonant interactions.

13. Additional Tips

Adding Small Details

Incorporating likes, dislikes, hobbies, and quirks can make the character more relatable and realistic. These details, though small, contribute to a fuller picture of who the character is.

  • Example:

    • "They love eating ice cream on a hot day."

    • "They hate noisy crowds."

These subtle details make characters feel more human and relatable to the user.

Allowing Room for Character Growth

Instead of finalizing every detail from the start, allow room for the character to grow and evolve through interactions. As the player continues interacting with the character, the character can change, offering a more dynamic and evolving experience.

  • Example:

    • "At first, {{Char}} is cold and distant, but gradually opens up as they get to know the player better."

    • "As {{Char}}'s relationship with the player develops, their outlook on trust and companionship begins to change."

Leaving space for growth makes interactions feel more rewarding and personalized.

Basic Character Profile

Start by filling out a basic character profile with essential details such as name, age, gender, profession, and appearance. This foundational information helps establish the characterโ€™s identity.

  • Example:

    • Name: Leprifos Gerardon Geller

    • Age: 58

    • Gender: Male

    • Profession: Mercenary Captain

    • Appearance: Blond hair, red eyes, 220 cm tall with a muscular build.

    • Other Traits: Deep, gravelly voice, fierce loyalty to comrades.

A well-rounded profile ensures that the AI remains consistent with the characterโ€™s backstory and personality during interactions.

14. Using Hidden Prompts and Managing Secret Settings

Utilizing Hidden Prompts

Hidden prompts provide space for settings that the user will not see but the AI will use to guide the characterโ€™s actions. This is useful for implementing complex inner struggles or hidden reactions without directly showing them to the user.

  • Example:

    • "{{Char}} struggles with a deep sense of loneliness but hides it behind a facade of confidence."

    • "{{Char}} is emotionally conflicted and avoids expressing their vulnerability."

Hidden prompts allow for subtle character development and help AI present layered personalities that users can uncover over time.

Secret Triggers and Events

You can set up secret triggers or background events that influence the characterโ€™s behavior without the userโ€™s knowledge. These triggers create natural emotional reactions or behavioral shifts during interactions.

  • Example:

    • "If {{Char}} hears a specific phrase, it reminds them of a past trauma, causing a noticeable change in demeanor."

    • "Each time the player makes a certain choice, {{Char}} remembers it and reacts accordingly later."

Secret triggers allow the character to develop more naturally and respond to player actions in unpredictable ways.

15. Continuous Testing and Refinement

Since AI characters may not always respond as expected, it's crucial to test and refine the settings regularly. If the character does not behave as intended, adjust the prompts, behavior, or tone and test again.

  • Example:

    • "If the character isn't showing the desired emotion, add more detailed descriptions of how they should express that feeling."

    • "If the character provides a flat response, revisit the prompt and add clearer instructions for how they should react."

Through continuous feedback and adjustments, you can fine-tune the character to behave more consistently with the personality and actions you envision.

By following this guide, you can create AI characters that are not only engaging but also deeply immersive and interactive. Character creation is a creative process that reflects your imagination and vision, so feel free to explore and innovate!

CaveDuck wishes you a joyful and fulfilling AI creation journey!

Last updated