This guide provides a detailed explanation of the basic syntax of Markdown and HTML. Use HTML code and Markdown syntax to creatively design and showcase creator profiles and character introductions.
Pages Where Syntax Can Be Used in Caveduck
Creator Profile
Creator Announcements
Character Description During Character Creation
Creator Comments During Character Creation
A. Markdown Syntax
Markdown : A simple formatting syntax that allows you to write easily and makes the content easy to read for others.
Click on the writing method you’re curious about to expand and check the details!
Write a Title
# : You can create a total of 6 heading levels using the # symbol..
#: Largest Heading
##: Second-Level Heading
###: Third-Level Heading
####: Fourth-Level Heading
#####: Fifth-Level Heading
######: Sixth-Level Heading
Note : More than 6 #symbols are not supported, and anything beyond the 6th level will be treated as plain text.
<Usage Example>
# This is the largest heading
## This is the second-level heading
### This is the third-level heading
# Character Introduction
## 1. Introduction
### 1.1 Basic Information
### 1.2 Background and Growth
## 2. Relationship with Me
### 2.1 First Encounter During Childhood
#### 2.1.1 Relationship After Growing Up
#### 2.1.2 Recent Stories
Handling Line Breaks
Are line breaks not working for you? Add two spaces at the end of the line or use a backslash (\) at the end of the line to insert a line break.
< Line Break Usage Example>
Using a Backslash(\) :
Using Two Spaces :
Applying Paragraph Styles
Blockquote: In Markdown, blockquotes are represented using the > symbol.
<Blockquote Usage Example>
Basic Blockquote
> He said, "Life is joy itself."
He said, "Life is joy itself."
Nested Blockquote
> The first life is joy.
> > The second life is sorrow.
> > > The third life is laughter.
The first life is joy.
The second life is sorrow.
The third life is laughter.
Using Other Elements Inside a Blockquote
> ### Title Inside a Blockquote
> You can include **bold** text inside a blockquote.
> * Lists can also be included.
Title Inside a Blockquote
You can include bold text inside a blockquote.
Lists can also be included.
Horizontal Line: You can use ---, ***, or other similar symbols.
<Example Usage of Horizontal Lines>
Lists: Use * or - at the beginning to create a list.
<Example Usage of Lists>
* First item
* Second item
- Third item
- Fourth item
First item
Second item
Third item
Fourth item
Table: You can create a table using | and -. To align text, you can use :.
<Example of Table Usage>
Basic Table Syntax
| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
| Data 1 | Data 2 | Data 3 |
| Data 4 | Data 5 | Data 6 |
Header 1
Header 2
Header 3
Data 1
Data 2
Data 3
Data 4
Data 5
Data 6
Column Alignment Methods
| Left Align | Center Align | Right Align |
| Left | Center | Right |
| Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3 |
Left Align
Center Align
Right Align
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Task List: Task lists can be created using square brackets [ ].
<Task List Usage Example>
- [ ] Quest 1
- [ ] Quest 2
- [x] Completed Quest
Applying Text Styles
Italic: In Markdown, italics are created using the * or _ symbols.
<Example Usage of Italics>
*This is italicized text using asterisks.*
_This is italicized text using underscores._
This is italicized text using asterisks.This is italicized text using underscores.
Bold Emphasis: Use asterisks (**) or underscores (__) to create bold text.
**This text is bold using asterisks.**
__This text is bold using underscores.__
This text is bold using asterisks.This text is bold using underscores.
Strikethrough: Use tildes (~~) to create strikethrough text.
~~This text is struck through using tildes.~~
This text is struck through using tildes.
Styles Can Be Combined for Use.
***This text is bold and italicized.***
~~**This text is bold with a strikethrough.**~~
*~~This text is italicized with a strikethrough.~~*
~~***This text is bold, italicized, and has a strikethrough.***~~
This text is bold and italicized.This text is bold with a strikethrough.This text is italicized with a strikethrough.This text is bold, italicized, and has a strikethrough.
Inserting External Links
Link to Specific Text: You can use the format[Link Text](